Mama Tembo's, Greenside
I like having a good time at Mama Tembo's. The ambiance is very African, the cocktails are good and so is the food. The service is almost too good....the waiters can get a little annoying. They tend to buzz around their tables all the time.
The music is only African with mainly South African songs. It like a big shack in Greenside. They serve food from 10:30 AM till 10:30 at night. After that it becomes rather festive! People tend to get up and enjoy the music. It is a big favourite with the SA Celebs and film crews.
Mama Tembo's is on Glen Eagles Rd in Greenside. A main course will cost you up to R75. Drinks are priced like any other place....not cheap but not too expensive. They make a really good Mojito.
Visit the website at: http://www.mamatembo.co.za/home.htm
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